Shed foundation blocks

shed foundation blocks

KLP® Foundation Blocks are designed for lightweight structures such as storage and garden sheds. The easy-to-place plastic foundation blocks offer many advantages over the alternatives from concrete and shed foundation

The ingenious patented design makes the foundation block easy to process. The foundation blocks fit seamlessly together. This avoids the necessity of making post-installation adjustments and gives the interior and exterior sides of the garden shed the perfect finish. The shed foundation blocks can be drilled or sawed like wood. Wooden beams or entire wall units can be fastened to the plastic foundation with standard wood screws.

Compliance with work health and safety legislation is becoming increasingly more important. The overweight of concrete foundation blocks (40 kg) and the related consequences for the health of ground workers on building sites were important reasons behind the development of a plastic alternative. KLP® Foundation Blocks have a weight of only 8 kg, so one man can do the job. The KLP® Foundation Block saves you time, material and your health.

With three different types of blocks, foundations can be built for structures with practically all dimensions. If necessary the foundation beams can simply be shortened. For more information please contact us via telephone number +31(0)515 - 487 630.

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>>> More pictures of garden shed foundation projects in the gallery

shed foundation
Shed foundation
Need foundation for storage or garden shed? KLP® shed foundation blocks are fast, light-weight and safe!